Wednesday, October 2, 2019

For your encore hustle consider the who and not the what - Hustler Daily Thumbs Up - October 2

Hello fellow Encore Hustlers

When it comes to planning your encore hustle the "who" can be more important than the "what" according to this article from NextAvenue.  The article features an interview with Rob Cross, a professor at Babson College (Wellesley, MA), who has studied social networks and the workplace.

Cross concludes that for many of us the most important aspect of work is the enjoyment we receive from the people we work with, rather than the type of work we do.  Therefore when it comes to seek out an encore career we should spend some time reflecting on previous work experiences and seek to recreate the work experience that brought you the most meaning and fulfillment.

If you want to read more about Cross check out this article from the Harvard Business Review.

Mr. EH

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