Sunday, September 29, 2019

From teacher to mental health counselor - Hustler Daily Thumbs Up - September 29

Hello fellow Encore Hustlers

Encore hustling can be the pursuit of a dream career after retiring from a job that paid the bills for two or three decades.

Read this story about Milton Kaufman, a resident of Baca Raton, Florida, aged 76, who is launching his career as a mental health counselor.  Kaufman, formerly a teacher in New York City, retired after 25 years and enrolled in a Masters of Social Work program at Rutgers University (New Jersey), graduating at age 73.  His cliental include adults, couples, children and adolescents and he provides individual and group sessions, including, in the case of a client, aged 104, in-home visits.

According to Kaufman, it is never too later to achieve your dreams.  Isn't that the wish for every encore hustler?


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