Saturday, June 1, 2019

Are you ready for a McJob? - Hustler Daily Thumbs Up - May 30

Hello fellow Encore Hustlers

While it can be the dream of many of us to use an encore career to follow a passion, for many others it is simply a means to earn badly needed money and hopefully provide some benefits like healthcare.

When the Social Security check doesn't extend to the end of the month, then any work, even in the  fast food industry, a McJob, as we used say, is good option.

Well, according to this article in NextAvenue, it turns out the McDonald's is partnering with AARP to target the 50 and older workforce to help fill McD's quarters of a million job openings this summer. The program is especially aimed to help the millions of older workers who unemployed or underemployed.

While for millions of us can remember working at McDonald's as being our first job as a teenager, it turns out that this is no longer true for today's generation. Currently McDonald's has 58,000 job openings and senior workers are a hot commodity. They are sought after for their work ethic and soft skills that include problem solving and ability to communicate beyond texting and SnapChat.

Ironically, Mr EH was recently a passenger on a regional flight and the flight attendant was aged 65+. It turned out the attendant  had been recently recruited by airline HR because of his people skills which he displayed while serving them at a fast food establishment. So, like many others before him, he found that working a McJob became a stepping stone to better things.

Mr. EH

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