Friday, October 11, 2019

Baby chasing your way to an encore hustle - Hustler Daily Thumbs Up - October 11

Hello fellow Encore Hustlers

Mr EH loves to hear about additions to the lexicon relating senior entrepreneurs.

If you, like Mr EH, have never heard of "baby chasing", then read this story that explains the phenomena. It turns out that baby chasers are retired, or near retired, boomers who relocate to be near their grandchildren.

However, boomers being boomers are not content just being maw-maw and pop-pop.  Instead, many baby chasers are opting the move to be an opportunity to pursue an encore hustle.

If you are considering being a baby chaser and moving to a new community then it would definitely worth your time to tap local resources to help support launching your new business.  As an example, check out this link to the Asheville (North Carolina) chapter of SCORE, a nonprofit partner of the Small Business Administration that mentors aspiring entrepreneurs.

Mr. EH

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